Bells & PA

Frequently Asked Questions

How do we use the new PA system?

When will the Display PAs start working?

  • The Display PAs are functional when they display the following screen:


What is the wall button and how will it work?

  • The button (pictured below) should have a blue light, indicating it is active. In the near future, when pressed it will call your main office and start a two-way conversation between the Display PA and your office.



    The button must be no more than 48 inches from the ground according to ADA compliance. Staff must not impede this requirement when the devices are being installed.

Do the PAs have a camera/microphone?

  • The PAs do not have a camera.
  • They do have a microphone for two-way conversations
  • Offices can call-in to the classroom PA Display. The PA makes an audible tone, letting the teacher/class know it is on an active call.

Can the Display PA be turned off/changed from a digital clock?

  • At this time, the default screen is fixed for everyone in the District.
  • We are hopeful to be able to support an analog clock, for classrooms working to read time. We do not have an ETA for this feature.


    Since this device is going to be tied to our Emergency Management System, it is critical that staff do not cover the screen as it will eventually:

    1. Provide safety support for those with hearing impairment
    2. Provide safety directions/instructions

Is this part of a bigger system?

  • Yes, this is part of a bigger safety system, including a product called Catapultk12
  • More information will come out in the near future on how it completely works, but generally it is designed to help streamline and simplify our staff’s response to emergency events.
  • The Catapultk12 System can reach out to the PA System to:
    • Send pre-saved audio clips
    • Display pre-saved slides (to help supplement the audio clips)

Updating Bell Schedules

Logging In

  1. Visit your school’s bell scheduler site: (e.g.
  2. Change the user to “lvusd” and login using the password provided by EdTech


Creating Bells

  1. Navigate to the “Schedules” tab
  2. Click “Create Schedule”
  3. Enter a “Schedule Name”
  4. Click “Add Event”
  5. Enter an “Event Description”
  6. Enter a “Time” in hh:mm:ss format (24 hour time)
  7. Select a tone in the “Audio” dropdown
  8. Select the desired “Page Zone”
    • This zone must have speakers assigned to it in Algo Groups, on the Network Monitor site under your school devices dashboard (
    • The All Call zone is a safe default to use
  9. Click “Save”


Scheduling Bells

  1. Navigate to “Calendar” tab
  2. Select the new “Event” from the dropdown
  3. Choose the type of event
    1. Select “Single” to create a singular or one-off schedule
    2. Select “Recurring” to create a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule
  4. Choose the date(s) you want the bell schedules to run
    1. For “Single” events, simply click to select each date you want the bells to run


    2. For “Recurring” events, select the desired options below the calendar

      • Choose Daily, Weekly, or Monthly
      • If Weekly, choose the days of the week and the frequency
      • Choose an End Date


  5. Click “Save” to save the new scheduled events

Managing PA Speaker Settings

Logging In To LVUSD Network Monitor

  1. Visit the LVUSD Network Monitor site:
  2. Click the login button ( ) in the upper right corner
    • If prompted, select/login your LVUSD Google account


  3. Click on the card for your school


Adjusting Volume

  1. Log in to the LVUSD Network Monitor site and navigate to your school (Follow the steps above)
  2. Click the “PA Speakers” tab
  3. Find the speaker you want to update in the list or search for its name or room in the search bar
  4. Click the “Edit” button for the speaker
  5. Adjust the Ring/Alert and/or Page volumes to desired levels
    • we recommend incrementing by 1 to prevent overly-loud speakers
  6. Click the Update Device button to save your changes


Updating Group Assignment

  1. Log in to the LVUSD Network Monitor site and navigate to your school (Follow the steps above)
  2. Click the “PA Speakers” tab
  3. Find the speaker you want to update in the list or search for its name or room in the search bar
  4. Click the “Edit” button for the speaker
  5. Select a group from the dropdown and click the “Add Multicast Group” button to assign the group


  6. Click the trash button to the right of a groups to remove the speaker from that group


Viewing PA Groups

  1. Log in to the LVUSD Network Monitor site and navigate to your school (Follow the steps above)
  2. Click the “PA Speaker Groups” tab
  3. Click the Edit button to the right of the group you want to view
  4. Scroll down to see all PA Speakers assigned to the group


  5. You can add devices to the group by selecting one from the dropdown and clicking the Add Device button
