
Connecting to LVUSD WiFi

Login Credentials

Username: First part of your email address (If your email is, enter only testingtim).

Password: Your LVUSD email password

  • Android

    Steps 3-5 have only appeared in recent versions of Android. On older devices simply choose “Do not validate” at step 3.

    1. Open Settings and navigate to the Wi-Fi tab
    2. Select LVUSD from the list of available networks
    3. For “CA certificate”, choose “Use system certificates”
    4. For “Online Certificate Status”, choose “Request certificate status”
    5. For “Domain”, enter “”
    6. For “Identity” and “Password” enter your username and password as explained above
    7. Press “Connect”
  • iOS / iPad

    1. Open Settings and navigate to the Wi-Fi tab
    2. Select “LVUSD” from the list of available networks
    3. For “Username” and “Password” enter your username and password as explained above
    4. Press “Connect”
  • Ubermix

    1. Open the system menu in the upper-right and click on the WiFi option
    2. Click on “Select Network”
    3. Select “LVUSD” from the list of available networks and press “Connect”
    4. For “Username” and “Password” enter your username and password as explained above
    5. Press “Connect”
  • macOS

    1. Select the “LVUSD” network in Wifi settings on your computer.

    wifi selection window

    1. When prompted for username and password, enter your username and password

    wifi username and password authentication

    1. Simply continue when prompted about network authentication

    continue button to authenticate to network

    1. You will be asked for your computer login next (This is NOT your LVUSD credentials)

    computer username and password to allow connection

  • Windows

    1. Select the “LVUSD” network in Wifi settings on your computer.

    wifi selection window

    1. When prompted for username and password, enter your username and password as explained above

    wifi username and password

    1. Simply continue when prompted about network authentication

    connect button to allow connection


  • macOS

    Forget LVUSD-Guest WiFi

    1. Click on the WiFi icon on the top menu bar
    2. Select “Open Network Preferences”
    3. Navigate to “Advanced”
    4. Select “LVUSD-Guest” if it’s on the list, and click the “-“ button to remove it
    5. Close the window, click “Apply” in the Network settings window, and restart WiFi

    Reset DNS


    bad dns example page

    To resolve this issue, follow the below instructions to reset DNS settings in Network Preferences:

    1. Open Network Preferences from the WiFi menu

      wifi window network preferences selected

    2. Enter the Advanced menu

      advanced menu button

    3. Navigate to the DNS tab, select the erroneous entry (here it is, press the “ - “ button to delete it and reset to the correct LVUSD DNS options, then press “OK” to save changes


    wrong dns entries


    corrected dns entries

    1. On the main Network Preferences screen, press “Apply” to save all the changes

      apply button to save settings

    Verify Certificate

    1. When connecting to LVUSD WiFi, a window may appear asking you to “Verify Certificate”

      old authentication window

      new authentication window

    2. To complete the connection process, click on “Continue”, then enter your computer login username and password in the window that appears, then click on “Update Settings”

      old login window

      new login window

  • Windows

    Forget LVUSD-Guest WiFi

    1. Click on the WiFi icon in the taskbar
    2. Select “Network & Internet Settings”
    3. Click on “Manage known networks” under “Wi-Fi” (the first network adapter, if your device has multiple)
    4. Select “LVUSD-Guest” it it’s on the list, and click “Forget” (NOTE: If you have multiple network adapters, do the same for “Wi-Fi 2” and any others)
    5. Close the window and restart WiFi

    Update Network Profile

    1. Click on the WiFi/Network icon in the taskbar
    2. Click on “Properties” under your currently connected network in the list
    3. Make sure Private is selected under “Network profile”, not Public