Remote Work

Apache Guacamole

First-Time Sign-In

  1. Visit to find the login page (we highly recommend bookmarking this page)
  2. Enter your LVUSD username and password in the login window

    login screen

  3. If prompted by Chrome to allow clipboard access, hit Allow

    chrome allow access to clipboard

  4. Follow the Set Up 2-Factor Authentication instructions below

Set Up 2-Factor Authentication

If you already have a 2FA app setup that you use, skip to “Scan the QR code

  1. Download Google Authenticator on your mobile device
  2. Open the Google Authenticator app and follow the on-screen introduction
  3. When prompted, select “Scan a QR code” and allow camera access if prompted by your device
  4. Scan the QR code on the Guacamole screen
  5. Enter the Authentication Code generated by the app, then hit Continue to sign-in

    two-factor setup window

Using Guacamole

  1. Visit and sign-in using your LVUSD username and password

    login screen

  2. When prompted to enter an authentication code, open Google Authenticator (or preferred app) and enter the generated code, then hit Continue

    enter two-factor authentication code

  3. When shown a black sign-in screen, enter your computer account’s username and password, then hit Continue (domain can be left blank)

    blank login screen for pc

  4. To sign out, open the Start Menu, select the user icon along the left, then select “Sign out”

    start menu sign out option

Do not Shutdown your office computer or you will be unable to remotely access it until it is turned back on manually

FortiClient VPN

Install FortiClient VPN

  1. Visit the LVUSD VPN web portal
  2. Press the “Single Sign-On” button
    1. It should automatically sign-in if you’re already signed-in to your LVUSD Google account
  3. Click the “Download FortiClient” dropdown at the top of the page and select your computer’s operating system
  4. Run the installer you just downloaded to install the VPN client

Configuring LVUSD VPN Access

  1. Open FortiClient VPN
  2. Click on “Configure VPN”
  3. Change the settings to match the following:

    Connection Name LVUSD
    Remote Gateway
    Customize Port 443
    Enable Single Sign On (SSO) for VPN Tunnel Enabled
    Use external browser as user-agent for saml user authentication Enabled
  4. Click “Save”

Connecting to LVUSD VPN

  1. With FortiClient VPN open, select LVUSD from the dropdown list, than select “SAML Login”
  2. It will open a webpage that will automatically sign you in using your LVUSD Google account
  3. Once signed-in you can close the webpage and are now connected